I've been lusting after the Mitsubishi receivers and separates of the late 70's/early 80's for quite a while. I almost won an auction at a good price for a pre power and meter kit which would have gone well with the DA-F10 tuner I had. I say had, because large separates are not great for me in my small space, and managed to sell the tuner just last week.
The Mitsu receivers don't surface often around here so I jumped when I saw this one, the DA-R10. I love the tuner design and the 'rack handles for people who never will use a rack'...it isn't rack mountable but they look good.
I had to drive to Surrey to get it, which was out yesterday because of the snow, but the guy held it for me. $50 brought it home.
Cosmetically it is near mint, and so far it works flawlessly. The neat thing is the guy has had it since he was a kid, so maybe 20 or more years judging his age and maybe given to him by his dad. I might be the second owner outside of his family.

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